Orientación Extensa - Orientarte

(Internet based) Short personalized program

Are you anywhere in the world, you have access to he internet and are looking for the right career for you? (We can deliver our career services in Spanish, English or German). We will gladly assist you, wherever you are and you will experience the following experience with us:

Reunión Padres e Hijos - Orientarte


Professional psychologist


With the help of our administrative assistant you will agree on the dates of our meetings and the access routes (Examples: Skype, Facetime, Zoom, ...) and you will start with an interview with a professional psychologist, expert on the topic of Career Counseling, (at the time and day and the agreed channel) in which we will stop to get to know you better and help you reflect on yourself.

Duration approx. 1 Hour


You will continue with our set of career assessments, in which you will answer various questionnaires; you will assess yourself in aspects such as: With what content do I work better? How is my capacity for attention, concentration and memory? What characteristics are typical for me? What are my values? What do I like to do? What professions and activities attract me in the future? How has my performance in school been? All these questions, guided by some questionnaires, will help our team and you to understand and get to know you better. Self-knowledge is the best compass to find your way.

Approximate duration of 2 to 3 hours

Prueba examen - Orientarte
Reunión Padres e Hijos - Orientarte




In the next stage you will have a second interview, this time accompanied by your parents or guardians. There you will receive your results and we will explain what your best options are and why. We will send you a report in PDF format and an action plan, in which you will be suggested to do some specific career explorations, such as visiting a professional who loves what he/she does and some web explorations, visits to universities and interviews with students. Remember: This is your Life Project and there is no use running.

Duration approx. 1 Hour


When you are ready with your explorations and (hopefully) before making your final decision, you agree your follow-up interview, where, again via web, we will include your explorations and help you to decant the information so that you can make your final decision . This sometimes takes a half hour or a little longer.

Approximate duration of 30 minutes

Prueba examen - Orientarte


If we have done everything right and we have counted on all your disposition, the next step will be to enroll in the University and the career that you found for yourself and feel happy with your result.

But! Keep in mind: We can not guide anyone who does not want to be oriented, so it is so important that you participate voluntarily and with the best possible disposition, if you want to have the expected result.

Do you want to start now?